Clutter Clearing: Get rid of 243 items in under 10 days

Cluter Clearing


If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you know I’m a huge fan of clutter clearing.


Aside from decreasing stress and creating a prettier space, clutter clearing helps me release energy – something that’s an absolute must for empaths like me.



Since all things are energy, hanging onto things we don’t need can also weigh us down. Old, stagnant energy can cause decay and toxicity, create feelings of anger, sadness, or depression, or cause a person to feel trapped or oppressed. It can also cause confusion and keep you stuck.


9 Easy and Awesome Ways to Release Negative Energy


Another positive benefit of clutter-clearing is it makes way for new energy. And, since the Universe doesn’t operate in a vacuum, any space you make from clutter clearing will be filled with something new. Think of it like this:


The easiest way I’ve found to clear clutter is to do it continually. I keep a garbage bag in my closet with a “Donate” note taped to it and I add to it on a continual basis. Sometimes, as I choose my shirt or pants for the day, I come across something I haven’t worn in a number of months; this is a perfect item to donate! I used to “hang on” to these types of things, thinking I might wear them “someday” but I realized that if I haven’t worn it in the past year, I probably never will! I also keep a “donate” bag in my basement and do the same thing, adding to it continually. When the bags are filled, I jump online and set up a donation service to pick it up or I drop the items in one of those awesome handy clothing donation bins in a nearby parking lot!


Along with clearing clutter continually, I like to do a conscious clutter-clearing activity with a clearly-defined action plan about every three months. I did an AWESOME decluttering activity that involved clearing 243 items in under ten days recently; I’ve done it twice in the past two months and have experienced wonderful results both times! Although I cannot guarantee you’ll welcome anything new into your life by getting rid of the old, my experience has shown me that clearing clutter makes space for the new to come flooding in! I’ve had surprise gifts show up, new business opportunities, unexpected checks, gifts, ideas and more, just days – sometimes hours – of completing a clutter-clearing activity!


How can you experience the miraculous power of clutter-clearing for yourself? While it does require effort on your part, clearing 243 items in under ten days is much easier than it seems! The key here is using the process of chunking or breaking the goal down into smaller, manageable pieces. You’ll do it by clearing 27 items a day for 9 days straight. Think you can do it? I know you can! And I think you’ll be surprised at how easy it is!


On to your action plan! Here are some steps:


  • First, think about whether you really want to do it and if you’re prepared to put the time and energy into it. Then, make a commitment to do so! Take it a step further by writing out a contract for yourself committing yourself to this project, and then post it in your house
  • Set aside 20 minutes a day (it may not even take that long!) for the next nine days to clear clutter.
  • Recruit a buddy to do this with and hold you accountable, or get a good coach (like me!) to help keep you on task and focused!
  • Start clearing! Start anywhere you are drawn – kitchen counters, tops of dressers and junk drawers are often clutter magnets!
  • Keep your motivation up by imagining how much lighter you will feel as you circulate items out of your life! Think about the benefits others will receive from your donated goods! Write yourself notes of encouragement and post them up! Give yourself a pat on the back for every item you clear from your life!
  • Congratulate yourself on the end of the 9th day! Consider giving yourself a little treat for making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle choice and following through!


A tip: make this a criticism-free activity! The purpose of clutter-clearing is to lift stagnant and negative energy from your life; not bring more negativity by berating yourself if you do not follow through! The name of the game with any new activity – or really any activity in my book – is to encourage, encourage, encourage! Praise yourself for anything you do; even if it’s just reading this article and thinking about doing the activity! You are a beautiful person and you deserve to live a light and joyful life, which starts with praise and encouragement from yourself!


Like this article? Spread the word to your friends! Jaime Pfeffer is a transformational coach, teacher, writer, and spiritual enthusiast! She feels at her best when she is living joyfully and authentically and helps others do the same! Contact Jaime at for more information about her courses and coaching for individuals and organizations!

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