3 Quick and Easy Ways to Say Goodbye to Old Energy

The end of another year is here.

Before you leave this year in the dust, launching head-first into the New Year, though, there are two things you need to do.
Do you know what they are?
The first is to reflect.
And the second is to say goodbye.
Whether you’re a teacher, a business owner, a parent, or something else, the importance of self-reflection and closure can’t be stressed enough.
From increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence to a feeling of ease when something ends, activities and rituals like these have numerous plusses.
And, luckily, they don’t have to take a lot of time.
So, if you’re looking for some quick and easy ways to bid the year adieu, check out 3 of my favorites below:

My 2018 Surrender Box

1. Create a 2018 Surrender Box.
Find an empty tissue box (A gift bag or large plastic cup would also work.) Then, write the numbers “2018” on a piece of paper and tape it to the box. Then, get some blank pieces of paper and write down words or phrases relating to 2018 that you would like to let go of or surrender. When you are done, cut the words or phrases out, fold each piece of paper in half, and place the papers, one by one, in the box. Each time you put one of the slips into the box, say the words, “Thank you for being part of my life. It is now time to let you go. I bless you and I surrender you”. Once you are finished, put the entire box in your recycling bin.
2. Do a Cord-Cutting Meditation.
Cord cutting is one of the best ways to release yourself from burdensome or toxic things. It is a visual exercise that takes about 15 minutes and can help you heal on deep energetic levels. If you are interested in this option, you can buy my cord cutting meditation here for $9.99 and cut cords with 2018 – as well as anything else you’d like as often as you’d like in the future.

An example of a release board

3. Make a 2018 Release Board.
Similar to the Surrender Box, I learned about release boards from Jennifer Grace, a former coach, and teacher of mine. This activity involves only one piece of paper and a marker. To begin, get an 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper or larger. In the middle of the page, write the words “I Release” in the center and place a circle around them. From there, write words or phrases of people, places, things, or events you’d like to let go of from 2018 and circle them. Draw a line between these words or phrases and link them back to the “I Release” in the center – similar to a brainstorming exercise. When you’re done, burn it, crumple it up and recycle it, or put it through the shredder as a final way to say goodbye.
I hope you found these 3 ways to say goodbye to 2018 helpful, useful, and easy.
If you did, and you’re looking for another way to clear out your life, check out this popular post on clutter clearing.
Here’s hoping 2019 is healthy, happy, and full of blessings for you!

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