3 Awesome Crystals for Cultivating Gratitude

With the Thanksgiving holiday going on the U.S. today, it’s a great time to talk about crystals for cultivating gratitude.
Gratitude, the practice of giving thanks for the people, places, or things in your life, is a fantastic way to feel better, develop a positive attitude, and create more happiness in your life. In fact, research shows that writing down just 3-5 items of gratitude once a week can improve happiness levels 10-25%.

There are many ways to develop a gratitude practice, and crystals should not be overlooked!
Here are 3 of my top crystals for doing just that:
1. Rose Quartz: The ultimate stone of unconditional love, the beautiful, gentle and nurturing energies of rose quartz make it a natural choice for developing a gratitude practice. Known for its healing heart chakra energies, rose quartz will help you release emotional heaviness and baggage and allow love to flow through your energy field.
2. Citrine: With its sunny disposition and joyful energy, it’s no wonder citrine makes the list; it’s positively-amazing! Upbeat and bright, and known for its ability to attract wealth, citrine puts its wearer in a high vibration and is a perfect stone for cultivating and sharing gratitude.
3. Angelite: A wonderful, high vibration stone, angelite is a great stone for developing a gratitude practice. And it’s no wonder why: angelite elevate its wearer’s energies, makes communication clearer, and increases empathy.
So, there you have it: 3 crystals that make practicing gratitude easy and effortless.
Happy Thanksgiving and happy gratitude-practicing!

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