How to Stay Calm – Even When You’re Pushed to the Edge

Do you ever wish you could have a greater sense of calm or peace?
Are you going through some major life changes – and feeling like you’re barely hanging on?

If you’re a highly sensitive person, you feel things deeply and intensely. So much so that even if something isn’t related to you, it can rock you to your core.
One of the responsibilities of being highly sensitive is to make sure you give yourself as much love and consideration as you give to others. And that starts with doing things that will help you stay calm and at peace.
Here are 13 ideas to do just that. Some are more involved than others, but all of them are designed to be quick, easy and supportive to you.
1. Remove yourself from harsh environments. Although people may feel bad doing this at first, it is a must-have skill for introverts, highly sensitive people, and empaths. Why? That’s because if you fall into one of these categories, you belong to a group of awesome people whose natural tendency is to become drained by the presence of others. In addition, if you’re an empath, you are also subject to taking on the energy of those around you. Given that, it makes sense why harsh environments are a no for many people.
2. Practice gratitude. Gratitude is one of the quickest and simplest ways to change your perspective fast. It works by focusing your mind on what’s going right in your life instead of what’s going wrong. The cool thing about gratitude, too, is  you can practice it virtually anytime and anywhere. Just grab a sheet of paper and start writing down some things you’re grateful for, or find a buddy – husband, wife, child, or friend – and take turns sharing what you appreciate about your life. It really is that easy! One caveat, though; a gratitude practice works best when you do it on a daily basis. If you’re someone who tends to have a hard time starting new things or following through, or you just want some extra support, you may want to check out my Gratitude Meditations album here. It’s my simple, easy, inexpensive soltuion for putting the power of gratitude to work for you.
3. Shield your energy. Just like you put on a jacket when it’s cold outside, you need to protect your energy if you’ll be in harsh environments. Imagine yourself encased by a ball of golden white light, or check out my new Cord Cutting and Shielding Meditation here.
4. Light a candle. Lighting a candle is a simple act that can assist you in bringing your focus into the present moment – the only place where calm and peace exist. To do this practice, simply grab a lighter and a candle. Light the candle and watch the flame for 1-2 minutes. Try to keep track of how the flame moves or dances or imagine burning up your fears and doubts in it.
5. Try a liquid detox. Add a natural purifier like mint, lemon, lime, cucumber or ginger to your water or tea and sit back while your add-ins do the work.
6. Burn it up. Write your fears or worries on a piece of paper and throw it in a fire. Bonus points if you take the time to watch it burn up and disintegrate.
7. Put it on ice. One of the best tricks my coach, Martha Reed, ever taught me was a simple practice that involves nothing more than water, a piece of paper, a pen and a sandwich bag. Here’s how it works: if something has been on your mind repeatedly and you know it’s time to put it down, write it down on the piece of paper, put it in the sandwich bag, and seal it closed. Then, put it in your freezer and walk away. Leave it there for as long as needed, or until the item you wrote down has cooled down or left your life.
8. Give yourself some space. Each of us has an energetic field which is ours to nurture, honor and respect. Although this isn’t taught in many schools, it is up to each of us to monitor our energetic fields regularly and make adjustments as needed. Learn to become aware of the sensations in your body that signal your field is overloaded, or needs replenishing. If someone is hooked into your energy or taking up space in your mind or body, you may need to remove them. My recently-released Cord-Cutting Meditation, available here, takes the guesswork out of this process for you.
9. Laugh. Did you know that laughing has numerous physical – as well as psychological – benefits? As a psychic and medium, one thing I’ve learned is openness, trust and receptivity are a must for clients seeking answers and clarity through our sessions together. It isn’t enough for me to experience images or sensations and report them back; the person I’m reading for must be open and belieivng enough to receive the information, too. Being that most people using my services pay good money for a session and the time is somewhat limited, it’s imperative to me that I help them loosen up in a quick and easy way. Luckily, laughter is one tool that never disappoints! Give it a try yourself the next time you’re in a low or sullen mood: turn on some free comedy, read some jokes, or hang out with that funny friend you love. Still stumped? Give laughter yoga a shot!
10. Delegate. Many people I work with don’t feel calm or relaxed because they simply have too much to do! Is this the case for you? If so, make a point to start decluttering your schedule, your home and your life. But don’t do it alone; instead, get your partner or family’s help. If they’re unavailable, do yourself a favor and hire a pro!
11. Free yourself. Whether you’ve been trying to garner the attention of an emotionally-unavailable person or you’re angry because you keep finding yourself on the same tumultuous merry-go-round every few months, know that you can break free; halting your role in the situation or learning to say no are two clear-cut ways. If the prospect of this sounds scary, you’re not alone; but, it is possible to learn to turn other people’s requests down. Start this week by saying no to one thing you don’t want to do but feel you “have to”.
12. Look at the bigger picture. If you find yourself caught up in the details or overwhelmed by too many tasks or to-dos, take a breath – and a step back. Then, calmly ask yourself:
Will this matter a year from now?
Sometimes this question alone is enough to gain a lighter perspective. In turn, it’ll also lessen your anxiety.
13. Get coloring. One of my favorite activities for releasing stress is an old childhood fave of mine – coloring. When I’d mention this to certain colleagues 5-7 years ago, they’d laugh, brushing off the notion and calling it silly or immature.
What in the world does coloring got to do with my business? said one not-so-graceful man after listening to me speak about the positive effects coloring can have on the mind, soul and body.
It turns out, though, that coloring does have an effect on people – and their businesses, too.
adult coloring books seemed to implode into the scene a few years ago. You can buy a book relating to something you love, or print out free coloring pages online. Just go to Google and search for “free coloring pages”.
So, there are you are: 13 more ways to get calm and relaxed – even when you’re going through incredibly rough times.
Which one did you like best?
Let me know here!
And if you missed the first installment in this series, which includes 13 other ways to get calm and stay relaxed, you can find it here.
Until next time … take care of you!

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