What if Everything You Did Was Right?

Yesterday was a special day.

Along with being my husband’s birthday (happy birthday, Gideon!), it was also National “Everything You Do is Right Day”.


I don’t know who created this holiday, but I’m grateful I found it when I did. It got me thinking about the negative self-talk many people grapple with on a daily basis (myself included) and how such a small, yet profound tweak to the way something is perceived can lead to positive and profound effects.


Even just considering the statement, “Everything I Do is Right Day” takes me right out of limited thinking and into a realm of other possibilities.


Imagine the sense of freedom a normally indecisive or insecure person would feel if he or she started every day with the premise that nothing they did would be wrong and any choice they made would be right?! As someone who can be indecisive at times, I can say firsthand it would be incredibly freeing!


Or how about the person who has the tendency to beat themselves up for past transgressions, being told to embrace the concept that nothing they’ve ever done was actually wrong – but instead part of his or her journey of life? How do you think this person would feel? When I think of this, I see someone letting out a huge sigh of relief, releasing a big weight off their shoulders, and opening up their body as if to indicate, “I no longer have to feel guilty or ashamed.”


I find it pretty incredible that such a short statement of words can produce such huge results, but I’ve seen it firsthand and I know it works.


How about you? Is there something that’s happened recently in your life, that you’ve been unknowingly beating yourself up about?


Something that is either out of your control or that you’re imposing high, almost impossible to reach standards on yourself about?


Or maybe it’s something in the past, that you still mull over in your mind, wishing you’d done something differently? Wishing you could take back something you said or did?


If so, I invite you to think about it in a different way today. What if the thing you did, which your mind is telling you was so bad or wrong, was actually meant to happen exactly the way it did?


Would you feel differently about yourself?


Would you be able to forgive yourself and move forward, free of this burden?


Drop me a note and let me know how this touched you or how you can use it in your life. I love hearing from you!




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