Do You Know The Signs?

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October 1, 2015


I had a huge epiphany yesterday.


There I was, listening to Divine Guidance, a book by one of my favorite authors, Doreen Virtue. In this particular book, Virtue talks about the ways God, or the Universe, talks to us and how all of us have the power to have these conversations – we simply need to be open, listen and receive.


I fully believe this and I am a living testament that signs do exist. From vanity license plates with messages like “BJP”, to number sequences, to tuning into radio shows which “happen” to be addressing the very situation I am experiencing, there is simply no denying the Universe is talking to me.


I haven’t hidden this communication per se, but I haven’t shouted it from the rooftops, either. Until now.


The epiphany I had when listening to Dorene Virtue’s book is that I need to share my experiences in following my guidance and signs. I need to pass it on, because there are people out there, just like me, who have the chance to shift their lives but are questioning the signs they receive.


I am not going to go all religious on you here – truth be told, I’m more of a spiritual person than anything – but this connection to something greater than myself has been the #1 key to accomplishing some pretty amazing things over the past 2 years – things such as speaking in front of groups; putting my writing out to the masses; creating videos and meditations; hosting my own radio show; creating and writing my own courses and starting a coaching practice.


Following my guidance and signs has also helped me conquer difficult things like leaving toxic and abusive situations, standing up to bullies, and realizing life is “for” me, not against me.


But the biggest thing I’ve gained from cultivating a relationship with this power greater than myself is becoming very good at discerning which voice is directing me toward my path, and which would lead me astray.


Over the next few weeks, I’ll talk more about how you can strengthen your guidance and make your life easier and more fun.


I’ll even share some of the exercises straight from my book, Uplift: the Ultimate Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Chronic GivingTM.


P.S. Have a fantastic week!


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