Three Monumental Benefits of Letting Go



September 25, 2015


Have you ever wished letting go was a quick, simple and positive process?


Keep reading because your wish is about to come true! (Make sure to read all the way down to the bottom for my special treat for you this week!)


Once you read this article, you’ll know 3 of the top benefits of letting go. The best part is – once you know these, letting go will be fun and easy!


Before I jump into that, though, I need to address the elephant in the room: the #1 thing that keeps most people from letting go:




Yes, fear.


Typical fears of letting go include:

The fear we’ll end up alone.
The fear our friends or family won’t love us anymore.
The fear of rocking the boat.
The fear of making the wrong choice.
The fear of trying something new.


With all these possible fears, why would anyone even consider doing something new? And why would I encourage you to let go?


Because the happiest, most successful people constantly change.


As human beings, we aren’t meant to stay the same. We’re supposed to change, evolve and grow. And that starts with letting go.


Consider what would happen if children never moved ahead in school? Or if they never left home? Or if you never bought anything new? Life would be pretty boring and stagnant, don’t you think? Yet many adults choose to live this way. Why? Often it’s because they get comfortable and are afraid to let go.


Rather than focusing on the scary side of letting go, today you’re going to learn some of its powerful benefits instead. Once you know these, you’ll feel more confident about change and letting go.


Benefit #1: Increased energy. Close your eyes and imagine a time you released something heavy that was weighing you down. Maybe it was a relationship that was past its prime; maybe it was a pile of stuff you hadn’t used in years; or maybe it was an unhealthy habit you needed to break. Got one? Good. Now remember how you felt when you let it go. Did you feel 10 or 20 pounds lighter? Like a weight was lifted off of you? The field of quantum physics has proven that everything is energy – even our thoughts. So when you spend time thinking about things that weigh you down or engaging with things that drain you, you suffer from lower energy. When you cut the ties to these things, though, you automatically raise your vibration – and your energy levels.


Benefit #2: Freedom! Going back to the memory you just used: Did you feel less constricted when you let go? More expansive? This is exactly what you want. Since letting go involves releasing, a feeling of freedom follows. If you’d like to feel more free, consider letting go of something.


Benefit #3: You make way for exciting new things! What do you think would happen if you never took the garbage out at your house? You’d eventually run out of space, right? The same thing holds true for your mind and the rest of your life. You need to clear space before you can usher something new in. This is a delightful benefit of letting go.


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