12 Crystals Every Teacher Needs

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Crystals for teachers


Is it just me or did summer fly by this year?


I’ve never understood why it seems to go so fast, but there are undoubtedly oodles of teachers out there who are excited to get back to school this month. 

Given that COVID-19 stopped in-person instruction at most schools last year, I imagine many teachers feel excited to return to their classrooms, students, and routines again soon. 

With continually-rising cases, conflicting leadership positions on how to cope and handle things, and uncertainty regarding in-person or distance learning, the 2020-2021 school year has been riddled with uncertainty, challenge, and chaos for many. 

Luckily, there are many things teachers can do to successfully navigate times like this.

Practicing extra self-care, treating oneself with gentleness and compassion, and finding mental and emotional support are just a few of the ways to get through difficult or challenging times like this.

Leveraging the beneficial properties of healing crystals is another way for teachers to elevate their game. 

From the soothing, calming vibes of Howlite, to the grounding properties of Red Jasper, there is truly a crystal – or more than one – for every teacher on this list. Read on to discover the names of these magical helpers, along with a brief explanation of each.
I’ve also included how these crystals benefit teachers and/or their classrooms, along with links to purchase each crystal if that interests you, 

Crystals for Teachers #1: Howlite


A stone of support, howlite is a stress-relieving stone that is especially helpful for soothing anxious or frantic energy.

Howlite, a smooth white stone with gray marks, is also an excellent aid for those struggling with insomnia. 

Along with those benefits, howlite is incredibly calming, making it a great crystal for teachers who deal with multiple personalities and energetic demands each day.

How to use: using howlite is easy. Put a piece under your pillow for better sleep, and imagine the white of the stone soothing all of your cares and worries away. You could also try simply meditating on the stone, which you can do by holding the piece of howlite in your hand, and observing its looks and how it feels in your hand. For persistent headaches or obsessive thoughts, I recommend holding howlite up to your third eye chakra. Doing so will bring a sense of relief from tension, pressure, and stress.

In my experience, howlite has a way of bringing feelings of serenity, calm, and peace to my body and mind – especially when I feel burned-out, down on myself, or impatient. Howlite is a great stone for those times you need an energetic reset.

Are you interested in purchasing a piece of howlite? If so, you can find some ethically-sourced, beautiful pieces here.

Self-care power duo: For a quick, decadent, and mighty boost of self-care, pair howlite with my awesome Calming Lavender Light Meditation. At less than 15 minutes long, this soothing, calming guided visualization calms frayed nerves, quiets critical thoughts, and restores your body and mind to optimal health. It’s like getting a massage, without the cost or the time commitment! 


Crystals for teachers #2: Red Jasper

Stay grounded and rooted in your sense of self with a piece of red jasper. Better yet, Red Jasper helps with persistence, vitality, and energy – 3 things every teacher needs at one time or another. Couple Red Jasper with my Root Chakra Meditation and say goodbye to your stresses, worries, and unease in under 10 minutes. 



3. Green Moss Agate

If you’re looking to bring more of nature indoors, use Green Moss Agate. This healing stone helps calm the environment and nurture growth. A terrific crystal for teachers, pair Green Moss Agate with my New beginnings Meditation to move quickly and easily through transitions and new growth opportunities in your own life.

4. Hematite

Protect yourself from absorbing your students’ energies with Hematite, a powerhouse metallic gem. Hematite, which acts as a mirror for its wearer, can also gently show students, parents or coworkers the places they need to grow by showing them a reflection of themselves. 

5. Tree Agate

If a teacher is looking to learn and grow or wants that for her students, Tree Agate is one of the best crystals around. Wear it as a bracelet to benefit yourself, or place a handful in a bowl in the classroom. Pair this awesome crystal for teachers with my New beginnings Meditation to glide quickly and easily over self-doubt or insecurity. 


6. Rose Quartz

The ultimate stone of love. Rose quartz allows teachers to maintain a warm and caring persona to themselves and their students. Coupled with my Gratitude Meditations Mindfulness album, this stone’s energy become a powerhouse of love, satisfaction, joy and wealth. 


7. Apophyllite

An incredible cleansing stone, Apophyllite soaks up negative energies in a room. It can also be used to clear negativity on individuals, pieces of furniture and more. A must-have for any classroom ❤️ Pair it with my Cord Cutting and Shielding Meditation for the ultimate energy clearing experience.

8. Turquoise

Known for its calming properties within the Native American communities and Southwest US, turquoise-lovers know this blue gem helps with speaking up when needed.

9. Amethyst

A natural stress reliever, Amethyst is a high-vibration crystal that helps transform lower energies and connects its user with new, fresh ideas and solutions. Very helpful in classrooms where the teacher wants to raise the vibration of the room or aims for students to participate in creative, original thinking.

10. Fluorite

A powerhouse stone for enhancing organizational skills and clear thinking, fluorite works great to center and ground scattered energy. One of my go-to’s for kids with ADHD, use fluorite with my Ready, Set, Focus Kids Meditation tracks for a non-drug approach to hyperactivity or excess energy. 

11. Clear Quartz

With the ability to cleanse and clear all the chakras, as well as uplift, support and heal, Clear Quartz is known as The Master Healer. A stone that also has the ability to be programmed with loving intentions, use clear quartz with my Three Wishes meditation to create and project your best future self!

12. Sunstone

Offering a gorgeous, happy, sunny vibration, Sunstone is a great crystal for a teacher to wear or have in the classroom. Encourages optimism and offers a ray of sunshine wherever its placed. Use it with my quick, fun and easy Abundance Meditation to let the Universe know you’re open and ready for wealth! 


Teachers are amazing people who touch the lives of those they interact with.


Whether in a traditional classroom, in a spiritual capacity, or somewhere else, it’s important that teachers are aware of the profound impact they have in the lives of others.


If you’re a teacher or you know one, consider gifting them one of the crystals or meditations above as a thank you for the work they do.


The stones and meditations may seem like small, inconsequential things, but don’t be deceived; they pack an incredible punch, just like the people they help. 💕 


I recommend purchasing crystals from my favorite online crystal site, HealingCrystals.com, where I am a contributor but not an affiliate. Snag 10% off your order today using code HCJP at checkout.


And, real quick, before you go, let me know:


Are you a teacher looking for easy ways to fit in more self-care and free up some of your time? Email me at jp@jaimepfeffer.com and I’ll send you my free Teacher Self-Care Cheatsheet!


Happy Learning,



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