Can’t Hear Your Intuition? Here are 5 Reasons Why

Have you ever turned to your intuition for guidance – and discovered it wasn’t there?
Have you ever found yourself desperate for a trustworthy answer, yet come up empty and blocked?

If you relate to either of these things or simply yearn to tap into your own magical intuitive powers, this post is a great place to start. In it, I give you four reasons your intuition might be alluding you – and tips to get things on track.
5 Reasons You Can’t Hear Your Intuition



1. You don’t recognize it. If you’ve ever learned anything about the psychology of communication, you know that it’s much more than just the words you speak. In fact, speaking only accounts for about 8% of it; gestures, eye contact, and body movements make up most of the rest. While most people don’t think of their intuition as a form of communication, that’s exactly what it is. And, just like any other language, intuition can come through in many ways. One person might hear their intuition in the lyrics of a song, delivered at “just the right time”. Another’s answers may come by way of a repeating set of numbers – 111, 222, or 444, per se – or a certain feeling, or on the words of a billboard. Then there are times when it speaks softly and directly, and you know exactly what to do.


2. You’re too stressed. I read an awesome article recently in which the author talks about the fact that thinking, especially the creative type, takes up a lot of energy. This is a huge bonus for authors, artists, and pretty much anyone out there since we all pretty much use some form of creative thinking daily. It also explains why, after penning an article or participating in a brainstorming session with co-workers, you can feel totally exhausted – despite a lack of physical exertion on the job. According to the article, accessing the reservoir of energy needed to think at a high level can easily be blocked by high levels of stress. The reason? Stress takes up a high level of energy, too. Therefore, if you’re stressing out about everything from your partner to the holidays to the drive to work, you aren’t leaving yourself enough energy to experience creativity or receive insights – two ways intuition comes through to you.
3. You’re too focused on pain, lack, or limits. If you’ve read anything about the Law of Attraction, then you know that like attracts like. You also know that anytime you focus on what you don’t have, you’re actually bringing more of what you don’t have into your life due to this Law’s basic precept. Given this, anytime you over-analyze, obsess, or mentally stir about anything that’s missing – including your intuition – you are blocking it from coming to you. A better choice here would be to soften up your stance, adopt an attitude of faith, and trust that your intuition will come in when the time is right.



4. You have too many distractions. If I came into your house and decided to bring in 50 pieces of brown furniture with me and then asked you to find your brown scarf, how long do you think it would take? Probably a long time, right? When you have a lot of thoughts, projects, demands, people or energy in your space, it creates a similar environment of confusion and chaos. The next time you want to clearly hear your communication, try clearing out your space. You can do this physically by putting things away or getting rid of things, and mentally by clearing your mind through journaling and/or meditation.



5. You don’t meditate. This is one of the biggest and most important – and also one of the easiest to fix. Why is meditation so important for accessing intuition?, you ask. Simply put, think of meditating like giving yourself a direct line to your Higher Self. Simply plug in, and start to receive. Well, maybe it isn’t quite that easy, but it definitely isn’t as hard or as scary as many people make it out to be. Especially if you’re smart and choose to go the guided route. Meditation doesn’t have to be time-consuming, either. There are many different forms of meditation available – from traditional to mindfulness to walking and painting – and there is a good form for every kind of person and personality. And, along with its physical and emotional benefits, meditation will also enhance your intuition dramatically.


So, there you have it: 5 unique reasons you may not be hearing your intuition – and some tips for bringing it in.
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