New Beginnings are Here – Are Your Ready for Them?

Birth. New life. New beginnings.


Wherever you are in the world, these words symbolize the themes of this time period.

From the start of July, often considered the starting point for the second half of the year, to the partial solar eclipse and New Moon on July 12, the energies of the calendar and the galaxies are ushering in shifts out of the old and into the new.


If, like me, you’re not always a big fan of change, I have some good news: the energies of these new beginnings and experiences will be softer and gentler for you.


Here’s why.


I like to think of them as “old-new” beginnings rather than “new-new” ones.




I don’t want to call them second-rate by any means; they are just different. They’re less intense, yet they’re there none the less.
It’s similar to the energy of something new and challenging, but instead of it being brand spanking new, it feels like something you’ve done before.


A good example would be a college freshman going back to school after summer break. This transition may not have the fanfare of the high school
graduation, the summer of living it up as a senior, or the highs and lows of going away to college for the first time,  but it is still a time of endings and
beginnings and transitions that comes with its own challenges and opportunities.



Astrologically, many of the new beginnings we’ll be facing now and in the near future will involve our home environments.Things like welcoming new family members into our homes, saying good bye to others, or purchasing or relocating could all be coming
up for you at this time. Redecorating, reevaluating, or renegotiating home or career projects, especially if you are self-employed and
help people beautify themselves, could also come up. You may even be going back to something in your life that you thought you were
long done with, such as acting as a helping hand for someone else or taking up an old hobby or task.


Whatever the case, know that you are not alone in dealing with these shifts. People all over the world are contending with them – especially those who are sensitive at heart.
While change can be much-needed and exciting for some, it can also trigger intense fears and deep emotions like confusion, anger, or grief.
Thankfully, there are healthy ways to cope easily and effectively.
I’ll be sharing some of my favorite ones with you the next time I write.
In the meantime, please know the energies around us and among us are for the highest good of us all. They are helping us to usher out the lower energies we no longer need, and bring in newness, freshness, and positivity that will complement us and our existing paradigms or realities, perfectly.


If you aren’t seeing the evidence of that yet, hang in there; everything is working in your favor. Your job now is to have patience and believe as things are worked out behind the scenes. The Universe has things in store for you that you could only imagine! And that’s the truth 🙂


I’m wishing you so many hugs and good things as you progress on your journey of self-discovery.


One thing, before I go:


What changes are you experiencing, or getting ready to experience, right now?


How do you feel about these things?  


CLICK HERE AND LET ME KNOW. I love hearing from you!




P.S. Always remember: you are loved! Have a great week!

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