Happy Full Moon Day!
Today’s full moon is known as the Full Flower Moon because it is a time when the Earth is ripest for growth and blossoming.
The colors associated with this particular moon are red, yellow and orange and the element is fire, according to CherokeeBillieSpiritualAdviser.com.
Red, orange, and yellow are also the colors of the first three chakras in the human body and corrwspond to a person’s feelings of safety, creativity and power.
If you find yourself worried about money, showing off your work, or notice old habits or addictions surfacing, this could certainly be the reason. Try to be patient with yourself and take a bird’s eye view of what is going on, instead of taking things personally. This is especially important concerning other people since this full moon has the potential for high conflict due to the stark opposition of Sagittarius and Gemini, which are polar opposites.
Like other full moons, today is an excellent time for any type of clutter clearing; getting rid of anything that no longer serves you will lighten and brighten your energy, so make a plan to get rid of some items (or negative thoughts) today!
If you notice yourself having trouble sleeping, or feeling confused or extra emotional, have patience with yourself at this time. These are normal symptoms for people sensitive to the full moon, and they will pass as the moon changes.
I hope this article on the Full Flower Moon helps you navigate your way around your life in a prosperous, aware, and prepared way today and in the two weeks ahead!
Questions? Comments? Drop me a line at jp(at)jaimepfeffer.com.