Dummy Post


If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, like your life has been turned upside-down, or you’ve had intense fears about money or your family’s security, boy are you in for a treat today!


That’s because my intuition came knocking this morning, inspiring me to put together a list of quick, easy, super-powerful methods for combatting root chakra issues (aka, money or security fears, father issues, problems with a sense of safety).


Everyone experiences these issues at one time or another.


Whether it’s a job loss, a school shooting, feeling like you can’t make ends meet, or dealing with old patterns relating to masculine energy, having effective methods in your toolkit during times of change or stress is the key to getting through these things and continuing your path of extraordinary living.


I’m currently in Atlanta, supporting my 9-year-old daughter as she prepares for the National History Bee tomorrow, but I’m fortunate enough to have had the time to put together this list of my “Top Ten Go-To Secrets to Ground Your Energy”. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, please share it with your friends!


My Top Ten Go-To Secrets for Grounding Your Energy


  1. Wear the color red. Examine your closet for a red shirt, dress, or belt that you can sport when you feel ill at ease. If you don’t have anything red, eating red foods like beets or watermelon, or thinking about the color red, also work.
  2. Eat root vegetables. Foods that come from the ground provide your body with special nutrients and energy and are a great way to ground yourself.
  3. Eat protein. With its dense, tight structure, proteins are a fantastic way to add grounding energy to your body. Try healthy items like boneless skinless chicken breast, chia seeds, or almonds.
  4. Do a grounding meditation. Close your eyes and imagine roots coming out from your feet, going deep into the Earth, touching her core, and then wrapping around the globe two or three times. Imagine letting go of anything that no longer serves you, and watch it go down all the way to the core of the Earth, where it is transmuted by fire into new life force energy. Finally, imagine pulling up fresh brand new energy from the Earth. Visualize this energy coming up through the roots and into your body, centering, grounding, and motivating you.
  • Eat root vegetables.Foods that come from the ground provide your body with special nutrients and energy and are a great way to ground yourself.
  • Eat protein.With its dense, tight structure, proteins are a fantastic way to add grounding energy to your body. Try healthy items like boneless skinless chicken breast, chia seeds, or almonds.
  • Do a grounding meditation.Close your eyes and imagine roots coming out from your feet, going deep into the Earth,


Well, there you have it! My go-to, 10 item list of easy, effective, and quick grounding techniques.


Which you will use the next time change blows into your life, threatening to take you for a ride?


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