if you’ve ever experienced your mind overflowing with ideas, thoughts, or negativity, you know how important it is to clear that away. But how, exactly, do you do it? In this post, author, success coach and meditation teacher-Jaime Pfeffer shows you how.
Do you ever let the garbage in your house overflow?
My guess is probably not. Like most people, when your garbage can is full, you probably notice it, consider your choices, and do one of two things:
- A. You put your hands into the container, push down, and create more room;
- B. Pull the garbage bag out of its container, tie it up, and either throw it down a garbage chute or hoist it into a receptacle outside.
Pretty simple and straightforward, right?
But what if, one day, you decided you were not going to take your garbage out again – for a year?
What do you think would happen to your home?
For starters, your home would probably look pretty unsightly.
And, like anything in excess, you’d run out of space, too.
While you could probably get away with stashing some of the garbage inside cupboards, closets, or under beds, those places would eventually fill up, too. And if you’re anything like the average American, who generates 4.48 pounds of trash per day, it would happen rather quickly.
Before you run away from this post in horror at the idea of your beautiful home being overrun by garbage and toxicity, let me stop you and explain where I’m going with this.
I’m sure we can agree that most people wouldn’t last long in a house of trash.
I know I wouldn’t.
Yet, many of us – smart, passionate, amazing people just trying to live our best lives – live with piles of old, outdated, worn out thoughts every day. And, just like the piles of garbage that would accumulate if we did this in our homes, our minds become filled with trash – which then affects our actions, beliefs, and even our physical bodies.
If right about now, you’re having the realization that you are one of these smart, passionate, amazing types who doesn’t clear their mind regularly, you . are about to receive a real treat. Today represents a major turning point in your life because from now on, you will have a simple and easy solution for getting past anxiety, overwhelm, and negative thinking. You will have a proven way of clearing out the trash in your mind every day.
Why You Need to Clear Your Mind Every Day
Let’s start with what you know.
You know that your mind is filled with thousands of thoughts every day. You probably know that some of your thoughts are positive and some of them are negative, and you may or may not know that the average person has between 55000 and 65000 thoughts per day.
You also now know that, like the garbage in your house, certain thoughts need to be “taken out” or released. You may or may not know that failing to do so can cause a pile-up and lead to anxiety, irritability, moodiness, fatigue, and a host of other physical, mental and emotional issues.
Lastly, you probably also know that it is easier and takes less effort to accomplish things and face the day when you feel positive and upbeat as opposed to down or overwrought with negativity.
Thankfully, getting rid of head trash isn’t as hard as it might seem. Especially if you use the quick trick I’m sharing with you today.
I call it the DIY Mind Sweep. Once you learn it, you’ll see how easy it is to get yourself to a place of happy, light and carefree energy.
How to Easily Clear Your Mind in 10 Minutes a Day
Now that you know why you feel anxious, irritable or overwhelmed at times and how important it is to have new, fresh space there every day, I’m going to show with you exactly how to do it now.
Step #1. Grab some paper and a pen.
You’ll need these because this is a writing activity. Please note: you don’t need to go to the store for a fancy notebook or writing instrument; use what you have, even if it’s a ripped piece of paper and a broken crayon! The key here is to just do the activity. If, after you start, you want to go get a fancy notebook or writing instrument, have at it! (I personally love using special notebooks and fun pens with positive sayings on them. Just know they aren’t necessary to get started.) Another option: if you prefer to type, you can also do this exercise on a blank Word document, a journal or diary-type app, or a blank email which you send to yourself and then trash.
Step #2. Title your Document.
Write “MInd Sweep” and the date at the top of your piece of paper or document.
3. Write it out.
This is where you put the peddle to the medal and write out the thoughts you want to release.
What you write could be anything from minor irritations such as running low on your favorite hair product or forgetting to move your laundry over to the dryer last night, to big things like your upcoming move or the tension-filled relationship with your co-worker.
Basic ground rules: don’t focus on your spelling or grammar too much; this isn’t about writing a perfect paper. Instead, allow your emotions and feelings to flow and focus on getting the junk out of your head. Allow yourself to be as open as possible and do not judge yourself. If you do, try not to judge yourself for judging! I recommend setting a timer for 5-7 minutes on this one, but you’re welcome to go longer if you feel the need.
If you do this once a day, your life will change dramatically.
Besides using it myself and watching it transform my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine says journaling can:
- Assist in reducing physical symptoms of diseases
- Help reconcile emotional conflicts
- Foster self-awareness
- Reduce stress
- Assist in problem-solving
- Reduce anxiety
- Increase self-esteem
As a complementary therapy of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, journaling – a form of writing therapy – can also help you let go of painful memories or past events.
In the United States, one study on the effects of writing about stressful experiences on symptom reduction in patients with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis found that after four months of writing therapy—in conjunction with standard pharmacotherapy—nearly half the patients enrolled in the study experienced clinically relevant improvement. A growing number of studies have documented symptom improvement in patients with psychiatric disorders as well, suggesting that addressing patients’ psychological needs produces both psychological and physical health benefits. Slomski, Genevieve. “Journal Therapy.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, edited by Laurie J. Fundukian, 4th ed., vol. 2, Gale, 2014, pp. 1339-1341. Health & Wellness Resource Center
Along with doing the DIY Mind Sweep every day, I recommend doing it every quarter of the year – just like you’d do a Spring Clean or Fall Cleanup at your home.
If you enjoy this activity and want to learn more about clutter clearing your mind, heart or energy, check out my posts, 3 Quick and Easy Ways to Say Goodbye to Old Energy and 6 Unique Ways to Use Salt to Cleanse Your Energy.
Lastly, if you’re a real go-getter and are determined to break free of old, stagnant or toxic energy quickly and easily, check out my powerful and effective 15-minute Cord Cutting Meditation here. No meditation experience is necessary!