7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Confidence

On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you with public speaking?

Public Speaking Confidence

Public Speaking Confidence

Are you comfortable speaking to a group of your peers?

How about 100 people?



If you fear public speaking, you are not alone.


In fact, public speaking is consistently cited as one the top fears of adults.


I can relate. I was scared terrified of public speaking until a year and a half ago. I avoided it at all costs. If the subject of public speaking came up, my palms would get sweaty, my heart would race and I was the first one to duck out of the room.


It worked for a while. The problem was, while I was avoiding it, I was also missing out on things I wanted to do.


Like uplift, inspire and empower people on a massive scale. So the time eventually came when I chose to face my fear.


And … I did it!


I chose to face my fear and I conquered it. It didn’t happen overnight. But it definitely didn’t take as long as I thought (it was about 9 months).


How did I do it?


One way was by studying public speaking gurus. People like Steve Jobs, Zig Ziglar and Craig Valentine, the 1999 champion of public speaking.


I also read the top public speaking books and started attending Toastmasters (check out this episode of my radio show, Uplift, for more on this.)


The other major thing I did was boost my confidence.


Now, you may be thinking:


Confidence? Isn’t that something people are just born with?


Well, yes and no. Sure, some people innately have high confidence. But most don’t. Instead, they boost their confidence through practice.


Personally, I experienced a shift in my confidence in just 10 days. Smaller shifts occurred after just one.


Curious how you can boost your confidence?


Here are 7 simple ways:


1. Do mirrorwork. Every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you”. If this feels strange at first, you’re on the right track. Stick with the uncomfortable feeling, because it will eventually pass. If it doesn’t feel strange, you’re on the right track, too. and I’d like to thank your parents for teaching you at a young age how .  This may feel strange at first, but keep at it. After a few days, add on. Say, “I love you, I accept you, you are beautiful.” Continue daily. After a week or two, you will notice Of all the practices described here, mirrorwork is the practice biggest impact on shifting my confidence. And it only takes 5-10 minutes a day.

2. Change your body language. In her uber-popular Ted Talk, Harvard professor and social psychologist-Amy Cuddy explains how small shifts in body language can have a large effect on confidence levels. Give it a shot! It’s fun and it works quickly.

3. Use positive affirmations. The key here is the word ‘positive’. While most people use affirmations, Do these alone or add them into your mirrowork for an extra boost. Examples of affirmations for confidence include things like, “I am a confident person and I exude confidence.”

4. Visualize. Take time every day to close your eyes and visualize your confident self. Get detailed in this process and really imagine and feel how you would feel if you were fully confident and self-assured.

5. Practice radical self-love. Take care of yourself every day. Take a moment to create a list of the things your ideal mate would do for you to shower you with love – then do them for yourself. Buy yourself flowers every week, write yourself notes of encouragement and take care of your body by exercising and eating healthy. get yourself bi-weekly massages or manicures and pedicures and take time to rest every day.

6. Join Toastmasters. This 90-year-old organization has clubs worldwide and provides a safe place to practice public speaking skills.

7. Smile! It makes you look more confident. and smiling relaxes you because it releases endorphins.

So there you have it! Seven of my favorite tips to help you boost your confidence.

What tips did I leave out? Which are your favorites?

Scroll down below and leave me a comment now!




2 Comments on 7 Simple Ways to Boost Your Confidence

  1. Morgan
    at (9 years ago)

    I love this post, Jaime!

  2. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Thanks, Morgan!!

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