How I beat the fear of public speaking

I used to be terrified of public speaking.


I avoided participating in many things because they involved public speaking.


Examples included:


  • Serving as the parent rep for my daughter’s preschool class (I would’ve loved it but bowed out when I found out I had to speak at Parent’s Night);
  • Applying for jobs at top companies (I dreamed about it but was too scared);
  • Serving on the Parent Committee for my daughter’s elementary school;


I pretended it wasn’t that bad.


After all, what was the big deal? I didn’t really need to be a parent rep anyway.


Plus, most people fear public speaking, so it wasn’t like it was just me. I mean, hadn’t I just read a statistic citing public speaking is the number one fear for 75% of adults?


But still … it bugged me.


I didn’t like things controlling me. Especially my perception of what other people may think.


And that was it in a nutshell. I had allowed the fear of what other people may think control me.


For as long as I could remember, I ran from the spotlight.


I don’t know when it started – sometime around 5 or 6 – but I hated being the center of attention.


I blushed horribly. I stammered and stuttered. My heart beat so wildly it often felt like it would leap out of my chest.


And my mouth? It felt like a cotton factory.


On my wedding day, I couldn’t even enjoy myself because I had to say my vows in front of 250 people. The same was true for my wedding and baby showers. It was a terrible way to live.


At 34, I made a bold choice.


Some call it the gift of desperation. That’s exactly what it was for me. I was tired of missing out on so many opportunities because of my fear. And I decided enough was enough.


It was one of the scariest – and smartest, most empowering, and liberating – things I’ve ever done. I got up the courage and I joined Toastmasters, a public speaking organization. It is one of the best groups I’ve ever participated in and one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


Earlier this week, I won my third Best Speaker award!


I can now easily speak in front of 50 people or more. And I absolutely love it.


How did I beat the fear of public speaking?


It started with the decision to stop allowing the fear to run my life.


Affirmations, visualization, and taking action followed.


I’ve used this formula over and over in my life with incredible success.


What in your life are you avoiding out of fear?


Where do you need to take a stand?


Leave me a comment below. I love hearing from you!







4 Comments on How I beat the fear of public speaking

  1. Morgan
    at (9 years ago)

    I am glad you concurred your fear! Your articles and meditations inspire me daily and help me keep a positive attitude throughout my day.

  2. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Thank you, Morgan!

  3. Barb
    at (9 years ago)

    HI Jaime,
    Congratulations! The fear of speaking in public is so strong for many people (myself included).
    I will say that my greatest fears are often the smallest ones. But, the small fears can seem like skyscrapers in my mind…
    For example, not being afraid to ask questions, when I am lost or don’t really understand an idea.

    You are an inspiration, Jaime!

  4. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Wow, Barb, thank you! I totally understand what you mean about the small fears. I have them at times, too.

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