An Easy Way to Dramatically Improve Your Concentration and Focus

Do you want to know an easy way to dramatically improve your productivity?


As a go-getter with ambitious goals, I’m always on the lookout for ways to accomplish more in less time. One of the best methods I know for this is increasing my concentration and focus.

At first, the idea of doing this scared me. I imagined sitting at a desk for months playing sci-fi  computer games or something like Simon Says.


Thankfully, I’ve discovered a much easier method.


It’s simple, actually.


It doesn’t involve performing any extra tasks or speeding up my normal routine.


In fact, it’s just the opposite.


Over the past year, I’ve discovered one of the top secrets known by the most successful people out there. That is that one of the easiest ways to dramatically improve your concentration and focus isn’t by speeding up, but by slowing down.


Counter-intuitive? Yes.


But trust me on this.


When you truly slow down and take stock of everything around you, you can’t help but be more productive.


You stop misplacing things.


And that alone saves you tons of time.


You also become more aware of what you’re doing and do it with deliberate intent, so you save energy.


So your stress levels drop.


And you appreciate everything more.


All of this leads to higher productivity, increased concentration and better focus.


If you’re like me and slowing down isn’t your default setting, it may not come easy at first.


And that’s okay. Slowing down is a skill you can learn, just like riding a bike.


Once you start practicing, you’ll see it’s one easy to dramatically improve your concentration and focus. And I bet it’ll become one of your new favorite tools.


Need some help with slowing down?


Here are 4 of my favorite ways:


1. Meditate.


2. Slow forms of exercise. Slowing down doesn’t have to mean abstaining from exercise. Slow-flow yoga, snow-shoeing and cross-country skiing are all excellent examples of staying fit at a slower pace.


3. Practice mindfulness. This involves bringing in all of your five senses to experience something. It could be anything, from washing the dishes to taking a walk to stroking a dog’s soft fur.


4. Spend time in nature. Trees always soothe me and slow me down. There’s also something about listening to water – listening to the sounds of a babbling brook, sitting near a waterfall or even turning on a wave sound machine – that makes me slow down almost immediately.


The next time you want to increase your concentration and focus, try slowing down. It’s counter-intuitive to the go-go-go nature of American culture and it takes some getting used-to,  but it’s definitely one easy way to improve your concentration and focus.


Have you ever slowed down to increase your concentration or focus?


If not, will you try it now?


Scroll down below and leave me a comment. I love hearing from you!




8 Comments on An Easy Way to Dramatically Improve Your Concentration and Focus

  1. Morgan
    at (9 years ago)

    This article speaks to me! When I made the commitment to go to yoga everyday, regardless of how much time it took up, my grades improved and everything seemed less stressful!

  2. Rachel
    at (9 years ago)

    How about swimming? Can that constitue as slow-form exercise?

  3. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Awesome, Morgan! Thank you for the comment!

  4. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Yes, Rachel! I actually thought of that and meant to include it but forgot! Thank you 🙂

  5. Barb
    at (9 years ago)

    Good mourning J’aime,
    I can confirm that meditation really really slows down the thought process. I find that is already the first step in being present. People are not present because they multitask. Splitting one’s concentration and focus into several parts is seen as good! But is it really???
    I think that if I can be present in just this e mail, I am doing more and better !

    Cheers to you! 🙂

  6. Barb
    at (9 years ago)

    Please excuse the spell check error! Rats!
    So, I will give a big “Good morning” out to Jaime and everyone on this blog.

  7. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Thanks, Barb!

  8. Jaime
    at (9 years ago)

    Thank you so much for the comment, Barb! That is awesome about being present and I am so glad you’re seeing the benefits of meditation. I agree about multi-tasking!

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