Tammy talks Law of Attraction!

Today’s post comes courtesy of guest-blogger Tammy Devoll, who shares her opinions on the Law of Attraction and how it has positively changed her life — including how it assisted her in losing 100+ pounds over three years ago! Read on for more of Tammy’s story! ~Jaime


Most everyone has heard about the law of attraction (LOA), but some may not be aware that it directly affects every aspect of our lives and well-being.I know this to be true and believe this to the core of my soul. 


For me, learning about LOA started a few years ago when I watched a movie called the Secret, this movie changed my life for the better. I began to devour every piece of information I could uncover on the law of attraction subject. For years I have been studying Esther (Abraham) Hicks teachings.Esther Hicks is a wonderful author who has dedicated her life to inspirational teachings based on the LOA, channeling spirit/source she refers to as Abraham.


What I realized as I researched this material, is that it’s not circumstances and events that have negatively or positively impacted our lives. It has always been and is us, our way of thinking, feeling and beliefs, our response to the circumstance and events is what is truly creating the quality of our lives. I was amazed and extremely interested in this LOA topic.  As I thought about my life and those around me it was clear—practically a smack in the face that this made so much sense, and I admit this realization was a bit scary at first!


It was then obvious to me the people that were complainers, pessimistic, gossips, and consistently spewing negativity were the ones that experienced the most financial turmoil, disappointments, frustrations and grief in their lives as well as poor health. And, the joyful, upbeat, positive people that were happy most of the time, excited about life, and enjoyable to be around were the ones others usually called lucky—things just came to them easier. 


Some people may argue the ‘happy’ people are simply happy because of their good luck—I know this not to be the case, they are happy regardless of what is happening to them or around them, therefore good fortune is attracted—drawn to them.  After studying LOA and experiencing it in my life I now know it’s no coincident, not the luck of the draw or any circumstance or event that creates the quality of life—it’s a person’s response to the life journey.


Whether we realize it or not the law of attraction is always working, we are continually sending out vibration—creating an emotional grid as Abraham explains. The teachings gives an example of the emotional guidance scale starting with #1 Joy/appreciation/empowered/freedom/love—moving up to #22. Fear/grief/depression/despair/powerlessness. The emotional grid example helped me to understand we develop an emotional grid through our thoughts and feelings.


Based on the thoughts we are thinking and what we are feeling, the universe receives a vibrational signal and immediately starts action to fulfill what was received. Manifestation in the form of ideas, inspiration, feelings, are usually the first indication source is answering our asking vibration.  Ask and it is given, no truer words I believe have been spoken.  The universe is always answering our requests—however, some people may strongly disagree with this because they may often receive the opposite of what they think are asking for. 


I believe the LOA confusion lies in the fact that the universe responds to our emotional grid—our feelings rather than the words we speak.  For example, if you ask for 10 million dollars but truly believe it is impossible, dwelling instead on your feelings of lack of money, worrying over a pile of bills due, and even perhaps hold onto core beliefs that wealthy people are greedy, the universe picks up on your beliefs and feelings rather than your request for dollars—therefore, most likely your 10 million dollars will not be fulfilled. 


The good news is at any time, any minute you have the power to change your way of thinking—get off the subject of what is troubling you and go general about the subject matter. We are all powerful creators and it’s time we all cash in all the good we’ve put into our vibrational escrow! 


I have experienced the truth of how LOA impacts lives.One of the most drastic impacts LOA has had in my life is after many, many years of struggling with my weight, I was FINALLY and joyfully able to lose well over 100 pounds and have kept it off for over 3 years now.  I began utilizing LOA techniques I had learned through my research on the subject. I started appreciating my body even at my highest weight, going general in the beginning—for instance, my body allowed me the ability to walk, and play with my grandchildren.


I further used LOA tools I learned such as envisioning and imagining how it would feel to be at my desired weight—how my body would look and easily move, what it would feel like to wear the clothes I desired, how delicious healthy food tastes, and even made a vision board (a power-point presentation as well) of these types of images. And, it started working—incredibly fast, no pills, and no crazy fad diets! I found myself wanting to eat better foods and moving my body more and in turn the weight continued to fall off—I was thrilled! I maintained this positive momentum and still today consistently appreciate everything this life has to offer—even the contrast and now I know everything always works out for me as they can for everyone!


We have the power to have, do and live the joyful lives we desire by following our inner guidance system.  What this means to me, is by maintaining this way of thinking and limiting any negative thoughts to 17 seconds or less, I am able to sustain the type of emotional grid I desire. Doing so I truly believe source guidance will inspire a person into action that will fulfill any asking—ask and it is given, this is the how I have learned to be true.


My desire and intent as many is to live a joyful life, looking around at the abundance this world has to offer makes me smile with deep appreciation. Do what makes you feel the best at any given time—if an undesirable situation is underway don’t fight it, go general about it in your mind, or if possible remove yourself or get off the subject all together. 


Something as simple as thinking ‘this too shall pass,’ will help to start a more positive momentum.  There will always be contrast that arises, again it’s in the way we deal with it and react to it that will move LOA in the way we truly desire. Naps, naps are a good thing to turn off and reset your way of thinking as will meditation. We all are here for the fun, the joy of it all—it’s time we enjoy every minute this physical life has to offer 🙂 


Tammy S. Devoll

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