Welcome to your free weekly crystal card reading!
These cards are from the Healing Crystals‘ crystal card decks. The crystal card readings are a combination of what I receive psychically, the energy of the stones, and general information about the stone in question.
If you resonate with your reading, please leave a positive comment below.
For more information on this week’s crystals or to purchase them, check the links on the bottom of this post. Enjoy and have a wonderful week!
Card A: Yellow Aventurine
If you selected this card, the Universe wants to help you balance your thoughts, energies, and activities this week. It also wants to help you balance and protect yourself from the power and control needs of the people around you. Yellow Aventurine, which works with the Solar Plexus Chakra, is a stone that increases inner power, inner strength, and inner light. It can help you move out of a mindset of fear or lack into one of positivity and abundance. To multiply the effects of this stone’s powerful energies, pair it with the uplifting and empowering energies of sunflowers, helichrysum oil, or this powerful New Beginnings Meditation: http://bit.ly/beginnew
To purchase a piece of Yellow Aventurine, click here: http://bit.ly/2mXZgRe
Card B: Prehnite
If you’ve been struggling to heal or to create a healing environment for yourself, Prehnite has shown up today to help you do just that. A great stone for clearing the heart of old wounds, feelings, and emotions, Prehnite’s power lies in its ability to help you heal and transform the heart chakra. Along with that, Prehnite helps in developing compassion for yourself, forgiving yourself and others, and releasing negativity. It can also help you stay true to yourself. If you’d like to take this energy to the next level, I recommend calling in Archangel Raphael’s healing energies and using the powerful Cord Cutting and Aura Clearing Meditation here: http://bit.ly/CutYourCords
To purchase a piece of Prehnite, click here: http://bit.ly/2mpcPZN
Card C: Heliodor
Another powerful stone for cleansing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, Heliodor has come to you today to help you recharge yourself and regain your light. A wonderful stone for healers, Heliodor helps with enlightenment as well as increasing an individual’s determination and willpower. if you’ve been feeling beaten down, defeated, or “small” recently, Heliodor is here to help you recuperate, regain your power, and stand strong. To magnify the effects of Heliodor, perform the meditation here (http://bit.ly/beginnew), calling upon Archangel Uriel to fill your Solar Plexus with bright, golden light.
To purchase a piece of Heliodor, click here: http://bit.ly/2kSLizr