How to Know When It’s Time to Walk Away

Have you ever wondered if it’s time to move on from something?
Do you wish there was a way you could find out, with 100% certainty, that leaving was the right decision?

While you may not have a crystal ball showing you what will happen if you walk away, there are ways to determine if cutting something loose is the best decision for you. Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Check in with your body. Your body is ripe with cues about your needs, wants, and desires. If you’ve ever noticed yourself tensing up around certain people, you know what I’m talking about. If your walking away question involves a certain person, does thinking about him or her cause you to feel “sick to your stomach”? Do you avoid certain people or places? Do you have a habit of waking up in the middle of the night prior to engaging with this person? These are all indicators of stress and sometimes avoidance – an often-unconscious but natural way to protect yourself from unpleasant or dishonoring situations. Crossing your arms, feeling pangs in your stomach or chest, or clenching your teeth or jaw can also indicate feelings of insecurity, dread, or anxiety. My advice? Listen to your body. Often times, its signals are all you need to make the decision to walk away or stay put.
2. Look for signs. This, in my opinion, and experience, is perhaps one of the best and most valid indicators as to whether to make a move. This is especially true if you have a strong spiritual link or relationship with angels, guides, animals, God or the Universe, or deceased loved ones. Take notice of the signs. These can come from song lyrics, billboards, in magazines, on TV, from oracle cards, things you see on Facebook or IG, etc. When I was trying to determine whether to make a big move from MI to FL, I received dozens and dozens of signs to take the leap. When I was recently unsure as to whether my kids should stay at their school, hundreds of signs saying things like, “Walk away”, “It’s time for a new beginning”, and “Trust your intuition” – which told me to end their time there – couldn’t have been more clear.
3. Meditate. It has been said that prayer is the method for asking the Universe for something, while meditation is the method for receiving. As someone who has meditated regularly for 8 years, I can happily testify that meditation indeed brings answers. You may hear the exact words you need to hear or receive an image of something that leads you to the right path. You can even experiment by closing your eyes, imagining two cups in your mind, assigning the letters A and B to them, and giving them each a meaning or a choice you are contemplating. Then, ask your inner guide to alert you to which one is the best choice for you. You may see one of the cups highlighted, it may move, or you may hear the letter associated with it.
4. Imagine the possibilities. Sometimes, when we feel afraid of moving into something new, or into the unknown, we can’t see the forest from the trees. We may become so consumed with finding the right answer that we only confuse ourselves further. One of the best ways I’ve found to determine what is the right path for me is to project what would happen if I decided to go with Choice A, and what would happen if I went with Choice B. Would Choice A leave me feeling happy and fulfilled? Or would Choice B leave me feeling better?
5. Ask. The old adage, “Ask and it is given” is never truer than when you genuinely ask for a clear-cut answer. All you need to do is come from a genuine place to know the truth. You can ask aloud, in your head, or on a sheet of paper. I like to say something like, “Universe, please show me in the next 24 hours what the best course of action is for me about __________. I ask that you give me a crystal-clear answer that I easily see.” I have used this method numerous times and it has never failed me. The only caveat is this: make sure you’re ready for the answer because it will come.
So, there you have it: 5 of my top methods for determining when it’s time to walk away from something.
Before you go, tell me: which one of these speaks to you the most? Have you used one of them before?
I love hearing from you!
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