How to ACTUALLY Have a Peaceful, Happy, Restful December



December 18, 2015


I never thought I’d say this, but December 2015 has been one of the most peaceful, joyful and restful months I’ve ever had. Not only am I not stressed or exhausted; I actually feel rejuvenated!


Yes, rejuvenated!


What’s led to this increased serenity?


It wasn’t a 3-week hiatus in paradise. And I didn’t win the lottery.


But I did tweak some things this month and it has paid off. In a major way.


Would you like less stress and frustration in your life this month? I think you’ll discover creating it is easier than you might think.


Trick #1. Live joyfully. Simple, yet doing things you enjoy isn’t always the easiest thing to do – especially during the holidays when parties, gift buying, and a whole host of other things are beckoning for your attention. But don’t allow the increase of outside influences to rob you of doing the things you enjoy or you’ll end up regretting it, and possibly having a good deal of resentment at the end of the month. Do you like going out to eat? Make reservations. Do you prefer a certain type of music? Turn it on and crank it up. Is there a certain person who always brightens your day? Call them up and have coffee. Whatever brings you joy, make it a priority TODAY and watch your joy meter shoot up. On the flip side, give yourself permission to opt out of things you don’t enjoy. Hate movies? Give yourself a pass to stay home even if everyone else is going. If going into a shopping mall is excruciating for you, order your gifts online instead. If there’s a certain person you feel uncomfortable being around, honor yourself and stay away.


Trick #2. Express yourself. Do you have a hobby or something you really enjoy? Painting, writing, reading … or anything really – as long as you enjoy it and you do it for no one but yourself. Got one? Great. Now, make time for it.


Every day.


But I don’t have any time, you may think. That’s part of the reason I’m stressed.


As counter-intuitive as it sounds, making time for yourself and expressing your creativity and talents will actually create more time in your life. Plus, it’s a great mood booster, lowers your blood pressure and helps in a whole host of other ways. While I can’t tell you exactly how it works, I can tell you this: this trick has transformed my health, my relationships and my career in just 10 minutes a day.


Trick #3. Give to yourself. While it’s great to buy for and do things for other people, don’t forget you! Whether it’s a hot bath to soothe away stress, getting your nails done, or buying yourself flowers or a card, one of the quickest ways to feel happier and less stressed is by loving yourself in a radical way. If you’re bitter because you never receive the gifts you want at the holidays, do something different this year; go out and buy them for yourself. Wrap them up exactly how you wish your spouse or kids would do it, and enjoy opening them. If there is one thing I’ve learned over the past year, it’s that radical self love attracts radical love. If you start cherishing and honoring yourself every day, you will see the same things mirrored back to you from the world.


Could you use a little more peace, joy or rest in your life? Which of these 3 tricks can you commit to trying this week?


Happy holidays!


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