It’s been a week of BIG growth for me! From my first hour-long radio show on Hay House to establishing my website to hiring the services of an assistant, a transcriber and preparing to teach my first class, I’ve gone way beyond my comfort zone this week; I have jumped out of it completely and bid it adieu!
GONE are the fears about taking my thoughts public (I did it and it feels so good!)!
GONE is the voice that said I couldn’t have an assistant yet! (guess what?! I do!) and
GONE is the inner critic who said there isn’t enough time for it all (amazingly, I do!)
On this beautiful, sunny, winter day, I want to take this moment to thank these thoughts – without them, I would have no reason to move beyond and grow! Equally as important, I want to thank myself for everything I have done this week and everything I continue to do!
Thank you, Jaime! Thank you for showing up for yourself!
Thank you for stepping into the unknown!
Thank you for reaching and striving and growing!
Thank you for loving yourself! You are amazing and I love you!!