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Weekly Crystal Card Reading July 22

Weekly Crystal Card Reading for July 22

Crystal Card Reveal

Welcome to your free Weekly Crystal Card Reading for July 22!
If you happen upon this page at a time other than July 22, have no fear; these readings are dateless – meaning they are poignant whenever they come across your path.
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9 Easy (and Awesome) Ways to Release Negative Energy

Girl with open arms
Do you ever wish you knew some easy ways to release negative energy?
If you’re an empath or Highly Sensitive Person, my guess is you do. That’s because people who identify with these personality types are highly susceptible to the energy around them. And, unless you want to be stuck in negativity (trust me, you don’t), you need to find a way to release it.


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7 Things to Avoid If You’re an Empath

7 Things to Avoid If You're An Empath
Being an empath is a fantastic thing.
Empaths can feel and read energy. It’s an awesome ability that kind of feels like you have a built-in lie detector in your body. (Pretty cool, huh?)
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12 Crystals Every Teacher Needs

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Crystals for teachers


Is it just me or did summer fly by this year?


I’ve never understood why it seems to go so fast, but there are undoubtedly oodles of teachers out there who are excited to get back to school this month. 

Given that COVID-19 stopped in-person instruction at most schools last year, I imagine many teachers feel excited to return to their classrooms, students, and routines again soon. 

With continually-rising cases, conflicting leadership positions on how to cope and handle things, and uncertainty regarding in-person or distance learning, the 2020-2021 school year has been riddled with uncertainty, challenge, and chaos for many. 

Luckily, there are many things teachers can do to successfully navigate times like this.

Practicing extra self-care, treating oneself with gentleness and compassion, and finding mental and emotional support are just a few of the ways to get through difficult or challenging times like this.

Leveraging the beneficial properties of healing crystals is another way for teachers to elevate their game. 

From the soothing, calming vibes of Howlite, to the grounding properties of Red Jasper, there is truly a crystal – or more than one – for every teacher on this list. Read on to discover the names of these magical helpers, along with a brief explanation of each.
I’ve also included how these crystals benefit teachers and/or their classrooms, along with links to purchase each crystal if that interests you, 


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3 Powerful Ways to Stop Negative Thinking (Plus Crystals for Support!)

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts?

  • Maybe you’re on the freeway, and, although you don’t normally mind driving on the freeway, a car swerves toward you and scares you enough that you start to question yourself and the other cars around you.


  • Or, maybe you want to turn over a new leaf in your life because things have felt stagnant and heavy for a while. But, every time you attempt to try something new or dig yourself out of the hole you’re in, a little voice inside says things like, “Save yourself the embarrassment; you can’t do this,” or, “That will never work”, or “You’re kidding yourself”.


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5 Easy Ways to Meditate

Are you interested in meditating, but fear it’ll be too hard for you?


Does the idea of quieting your mind for 10-15 minutes scare you?


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