Uplift Your Life

Life isn’t meant to be a grind. You don’t have to stay in situations you don’t like. And you don’t have to do or be anyone except for yourself. 


Hi, I’m Jaime Pfeffer, and I’ve spent the past 15 years teaching and creating the life of my dreams.


Not the life my parents wanted for me, and not the one society told me I could have or should have, but the one I wanted for me.


It wasn’t always easy, but I managed to walk away from a dysfunctional family, heal myself, and create an amazing life I love – and I did it for me. Although I grew up yearning for someone to take care of me and help me and love me, I never really got that – which was a blessing because it allowed me to take care of me. And me to help me. And me to love me. And now I know that I got me.


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve experienced some really difficult things, as I’m guessing you have, too. But I’m now in the space where I’ve processed the past pain and I’ve let it go, and now I’m doing me. And that’s the main message I want to get across here: I can do me, and you can do you. Whoever that may be.


And if you find you some help along the way, check out my products and services for a helping hand. I have intuitive gifts which I use to help people make better decisions, feel more at peace, and understand why things are happening.


I also write articles about practical ways that men and women can help themselves in today’s changing world – things like stress relief tips, and quick meditation techniques, and posts about the best and most powerful manifesting techniques.


If you’re new here, I hope you’ll spend some time looking around. As an empath and psychic, I love writing about things that benefit Highly Sensitive People, and I also strive to bring intuitive guidance to those who are open and looking for it. If these things interest you, make sure to check out my blog articles, as well as my free YouTube readings and Facebook page.






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