3 Simple Ways to Break Free from Toxic Energy!


Have you ever been around someone with negative energy – and then taken it on? 


If you’re highly sensitive, your answer is likely yes. 

In fact, if you’re sensitive at all, or you work with people, chances are good you are soaking up energy – whether you know it or not. Signs include things like sudden irritability, feeling “drained”, exhausted, or anxious for no visible reason. I’ll go into this more in my next message, but it’s a good thing to keep in mind. 
Until a few years ago, I used to think there was something wrong with me for absorbing other people’s energy. I couldn’t understand why I felt so uncomfortable around certain people. I also wondered why I couldn’t shake certain feelings after being with particular types of people. Unfortunately, I beat myself up for my sensitivity for a long time. I’d say things like: 

Geez, Jaime! Why are you so sensitive! Why can’t you just be stronger like your sister/XYZ friend, etc.? 

Or, I’d avoid social situations altogether, which isn’t surprising since they often hurt so much. 

Can you relate? 

Over the last few years, though, I realized something: 

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with being sensitive! 

The truth is, it’s an incredible gift! 

I also realized there was nothing wrong with me when I protected my sensitivity or myself. On the contrary: it’s actually a form of self-care and self-love. But it can be lonely at times, and it isn’t always possible or realistic. 

Thankfully, shortly after discovering these things about my sensitivity, I also learned there are actually little things I can do every day to protect myself from soaking up negativity. 

And, there are also easy tools I can use if I accidentally do soak up toxic stuff. 

 does that sound like something that would benefit you? 

If so, keep reading, because today I’m giving you three of my favorite tools. 

Here goes… 
Tool #1: Clap. No, I’m not joking. The next time you feel heavy or like someone just dumped a week’s worth of problems on you, take a few seconds to drop what you’re doing and clap. Clapping produces a vibration that breaks up negative energy and clears and breaks up turmoil in your space. 
Tool #2: Do 25 jumping jacks. This one works especially well for anger! I personally used to use it all the time. The next time you feel so mad you want to roar, bust out some jumping jacks instead. Why does it work? The physical activity raises your endorphin levels, plus you also  literally clear out the energetic space around you. In a public place? Hop in the bathroom and just jump up and down. No one will know and I guarantee you’ll have a smile on your face 😉 
Tool #3: Say Ah. Literally. If you try the others and still need more or if you’ve been around an especially negative person or environment, this one is for you! Although this one is more time-consuming than the first two – you’ll need 10-20 minutes – it’s one of the best methods I’ve found for dramatically transforming my mind and the energetic space around me.
It comes from one of my favorite teachers and mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and it’s nicknamed the ‘Ah Meditation’. It is a powerful guided meditation led by Dyer himself and you can grab it for free right here. Before you begin, note that you need to find a private space for this one, because you’ll be making the ah sound during the exercise. (I find my car in the garage is a great spot when my family is home). Once you’re ready, put on your headphones, click play and do what he says. (It’s very safe – trust me.)
Caution: this is one of my all-time faves, and it’s pretty powerful, so don’t be surprised if you even feel a little giddy afterward.
Well, there you have it, 3 more of my favorite ways to bust up toxic energy!
What do you think?
Which will you try the next time you soak up negative energy?

Also, if you like these, make sure to check out this link for 3 more tips on releasing negativity! As always, I appreciate you reading this message and I hope you got something positive and helpful out of it! That is my goal! If you did, please don’t hesitate to let me know!  Hearing from you is always a highlight of my day! Have an awesome rest of the week!



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