Nine Ways to Feel AMAZING in just 15 minutes a day

I have a confession to make:


Things have been really good lately.


Great, actually.


Two weeks ago, I went on a fabulous trip to the Dominican Republic where I held my first-ever business retreat, soaked up the sun, and renewed my vows with my husband, Gideon.


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Renewing my vows in the Dominican Republic


It was absolutely spectacular and one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. And, although I was technically “working” while I was there, it was hardly the type of thing most people consider as work.


The agenda?


Journaling. Meditation. Practicing gratitude. Unplugging. Renewing the mind, body and soul. I had some major revelations while I was there, and truly feel rejuvenated and refreshed.


There’s no doubt it’s directly related to the great mood I’ve been experiencing.


How about you? Have you taken some time to renew, refresh or rejuvenate lately?


Although it can sometimes be difficult to take time out and do something for yourself, it ALWAYS pays off.




Because when you care for yourself, EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in your life benefits!


Don’t believe me?


Think about the last time you got a massage, played a game for fun or did something else you enjoy.


How did you feel?


My guess is relaxed, happier and at ease. Did you go home and snap at your kids or your mate? Probably not, because you were “filled up” and feeling good – and it’s always easier to deal with life’s frustrations when you feel good.


Now compare that to when you feel frustrated, tired or run down … you lose your temper easier and probably more frequently, right?


Which is why it pays to do things for yourself.


I understand we can’t all go on vacation at the drop of a hat. But, everyone can find at least 15 minutes a day to nurture themselves.


It may not seem like a lot – and I encourage you to take much more – but even 15 minutes a day can have a profound impact on your well being. Especially if you try one of these uniquely powerful self-love activities:


1. Give yourself at least one compliment every day. We know from research that expressing kindness benefits the giver and the receiver; in the case of giving yourself compliments, you are the giver and the receiver so the impact goes even further. This is an excellent activity for women who may deflect compliments more than men and are less likely to focus on their strengths than men. Examples of strengths include: “I am generous” or “I am a fabulous ice skater” or “I am a fantastic listener”.


2. Write yourself a love letter. Are you the person who always remembers everyone’s birthday or anniversary, or gives people cards simply because they are awesome? It’s time to douse yourself with the same treatment! Write yourself a letter or grab your favorite greeting card and express to yourself how wonderful you are! You might feel silly doing this at first and that’s okay. The relationship you have with yourself is directly related to the relationship you have with everyone else in your life. When you pamper and indulge yourself, others will do this for you too.


3. Shower yourself with loving visual cues. Write, “I love you, (name)!” on sticky notes and put them on your mirror, bedside table, computer screen, in your car and as your phone screensaver. You’ll appreciate the nice, loving surprise for days to come.


4. Commit to five minutes of daily journaling every day. Journaling is scientifically proven to decrease stress and increase clarity and creativity. To start, observe your thoughts without judgment and just write. It’s amazing what an effect five minutes has in shrinking worries and fears down to size!


5. Make “happiness appointments” with yourself and always follow through. How? Create a joy list, containing 5-15 items that bring you joy. These can be anything from smelling flowers to taking a walk to spending time with a person you love. Pick one item from your joy list every day and make an “appointment with joy”. Schedule it in your phone and set a reminder. Then, follow through! Within a week, the increased happiness in your life will be evident.


6. Unplug. Commit to unplug from electronic devices once a day and just “be”. Check in with your breathing and your body. You are not a machine, and you need breaks! Your mind and body will thank you!


7. Make a list of your top 10 strengths. This is an assignment I give my students and they rave about how good it feels. Set aside ten minutes today and write down 10 of your best qualities. Then, read it out loud to yourself.


8. Leave toxic situations. Although this one is a little different from the others, it is incredibly powerful. The people you hang around with impact you a great deal and if someone isn’t treating you well and you’re sticking around for it, you’re essentially telling The Universe, “This is okay with me. Bring me more of this.” The truth is, though, you are awesome, and you never need to settle!


9. Instead of looking at the things you’ve done wrong today or didn’t do, look at what you did right instead. For example, instead of beating yourself up for getting to the gym later than you planned, applaud yourself for making it there at all!


Have you tried one of my favorite self love activities?


If not, which one will you commit to do today? Let me know!


I’ll talk to you in a few weeks!




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